Meditation on the Move – individual and group sessions

Meditation on the move - movement and embodied connection in nature

Date published 28/09/2021 | Events

Slowing down, noticing the senses, the experiences in the body. Connecting with the natural environment to bring focus and purpose. Group and one-to-one sessions in local nature spots.

Meditation on the move - movement and embodied connection in nature

Meditation can be more than sitting in silence. In fact it can be really challenging to 'get it right' when we have 'to do' lists and 'getting on with stuff' buzzing in our heads. And, I find that if we give our bodies the opportunity to slow down, if we gift ourselves that noticing of our senses, our physical sensation, we become more able to fully experience our bodies in a conscious, focussed way. And so much easier to let go of the chattering in our heads, and allow the possibility that we can just be.
Meditation on the move will connect you with the natural environment to bring focus and purpose.
Group and one-to-one sessions in local nature spots. We'll walk. Slowly, one step at a time, just noticing. We'll appreciate our breath, our blessed bodies - feet on the ground, colours and textures, prickles and softness, and much more.
This exquisite focus on our embodied experience offers the possibility of dropping into a deeper state of being, a way of accessing inner wisdom and intuition.
Sessions are one hour long.
All abilities welcome.